Aiden Conway

Past President 1985/86

Aiden Conway

President of the IGA form 1985/86. President of the European Grassland Association in 1988. Aidan was also a Recipient of a Basta award for Beef Production Research. Qualified in the mid 1950’s, started his career in Johnstown Castle as grassland Research Officer. AFT was established in 1958 and Aidan commenced working in Grange in 1959 on grassland management of cattle and sheep. Aidan left Grange in 1971 and went to work with the World Bank in Spain for three years, in the temperate zone of Spain, setting up a centre for pasture and forages and animal production.

Aidan returned to Grange and was appointed as co-ordinator of Grassland Research for AFT in 1975 and also had responsibility for Grassland Research in Johnstown Castle. Aidan was appointed as Director of the centre.  In 1987 Aidan retired, following which he spent some time as a consultant with the FAO.

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Aiden Conway