Dermot Grogan

Dermot works with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. Dermot was involved in grass variety evaluation for DAFM for 5 years, and while aware of the Irish Grassland Association’s activities and importance in encouraging improvements in grassland productivity, he says that his short period really impressed him with the amount of excellent work that goes into organising and providing relevant and up-to-date information to members. In 2013 Dermot presented details and first results of the recently introduced ‘simulated grazing’ cutting protocol from DAFMs National List/Recommended List grass evaluation trials at the Dairy Conference in Clonmel. A work transfer closer to home means that Dermot is no longer involved in grass variety evaluation. However, his interest in grassland continues, as he is now involved in DAFM’s environmental support schemes. This allows him the opportunity to walk all types of grassland, from recently reseeded pasture, through good quality permanent pasture, rough grazing, ‘Traditional Hay Meadows’, ‘Species Rich Pasture’ to bogland! Dermot also will continue as a research partner with a small European project looking at the performance of ‘Festulolium’ (Ryegrass × Fescue) grass varieties. Dermot served on the Council of the Irish Grassland Association for 2 years.

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Dermot Grogan