Philip Cosgrave lives in Rathmolyon, Co Meath. He is married to Fiona and they have three children.
Philip grew up outside Enfield in Meath on his parent’s beef and sheep farm. After studying agriculture in Aberdeen, he returned back to Dublin to complete an MSc in UCD. On finishing up in college, Philip worked as a trainee manager in Kildare Chilling and as a Research
Officer in Teagasc, before setting of travelling for a number of years. Philip was very lucky to have had the opportunity to work in agriculture in a number of countries including New Zealand, Saudi Arabia and Australia, before returning home in 2011 to work for OCAE and IAS laboratories.
Philip took up his current position with Yara in 2016 as the company’s grassland agronomist for both Ireland and the UK. Philip’s role in Yara sees him providing training to distributors and farmers, coordinating field trials and working on new product development.
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