George Ramsbottom

George Ramsbottom, Teagasc

George works as a dairy specialist with Teagasc and is based at Oak Park, Carlow. He studied general agriculture in UCD, graduating in 1990 and also hold Masters degrees in Extension and Reproductive Physiology (both from UCD). His masters degrees hold him in good stead as he’s involved in facilitation skills training for agricultural advisers and private consultants. Within Teagasc he also focuses on promoting the improvement of dairy cow fertility and works closely with ICBF in developing and promoting EBI. In addition, he’s passionate about maintaining the focus on grass based dairying – his research shows that higher input dairying in addition to being more dependent on a higher milk price to underpinits profitability, locks farmers into a higher production cost systems of milk production. He has one discussion group that he facilitates monthly, the Kildalton group, but he attends 30 – 40 group meetings annually

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George Ramsbottom